Most Holy Theotokos intercede for us!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

New Name, New Mission, Same Address, Same Blogger

(Madison--April 27) The blog formerly known as "Orthodox Tidings" has a new name and a new focus. Now called "Einsiedeln," it is part of a new blogging trend whereby mysterious, obscurantist names or phrases substitute for the usual fare of "My Own Ramblings," "Daily Diversions," and "Objectively Onerous Opinions." Many even in the Orthodox Christian blogging community, as well-known for its loathing of fad-laden modernity as for its utter doctrinal and liturgical pomposity, have put one foot on-board the new e-trend bandwagon while keeping another foot firmly planted in the Dark Ages. Some Orthodox bloggers, however, do not see things in the same light.

One such blogger, known only by the weird pseudonym of "Eric John," claims to have changed the name of his blog for a completely different reason.

"Well, I did it because I have another blog on Xanga and I really just wanted to work on one blog and use it to write about all the things I'm interested in. My Blogger blog was called 'Orthodox Tidings,' but I thought the title and the scope of it were too narrow for what I wanted to talk about and there was also the notion that people who didn't know better could mistake my personal blog for something official, like I was speaking for the Orthodox Church. So I wanted to avoid that on one hand and expand my blogging topics on the other....," Eric John said. (Actually, he continued talking after this, but this intrepid reporter had had enough.)

So, there you have it. New blogging trends threaten to drag the Orthodox blogger kicking and screaming into the heretical future. What will this mean for the rest of the world? Does the rest of the world even care? Will the rest of the world even read this article? These are weighty questions indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Very interesting name. I did have to Google.

6:09 AM  
Blogger Jean-Michel said...

Woow, new name, new life thus. Did you plunged your whole computer in the baptismal fonts or just the keyboard?


ad multos annos, John!


6:30 AM  

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