Most Holy Theotokos intercede for us!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Lifting up our minds to Bethlehem

Let us go before, O nations, and celebrate the Nativity of Christ. And lifting our minds to Bethlehem, let us ascend with our consciences, beholding with the thoughts of our hearts, the Virgin approaching, giving birth in the cave to the Lord of all, our God, Whose stupendous wonders Joseph did behold, while at the time he thought he was beholding a man wrapped in swaddling clothes, but was assured from His works that He was the true God, granting our souls the Great Mercy.

Let us go before, O nations, and celebrate the Nativity of Christ; and lifting our minds to Bethlehem, let us ascend with our consciences to behold the great Mystery that is in the cave; for Eden hath verily been opened by the coming forth of God from the spotless Virgin, perfect in Divinity and perfect in Humanity. Wherefore, let us shout forth, Holy God, Eternal Father, Holy Mighty, the Incarnate Son, Holy Immortal One, the Comforting Spirit, O Holy Trinity, glory to Thee!

Listen, O heaven, and give ear, O earth; for behold, the Son, the Word of the Father, cometh to be born of a Maiden that hath not known man. Wherefore, by the pleasure of Him Who gave Him birth without passion, and by the assistance of the Holy Spirit, O Bethlehem, make ready, and, O Eden, open thou thy gates; for He Who Is shall be that which hath not been; and the Maker of the entire creation shall become the Grantor of Great Mercy to the world.

--Idiomelons in Tone 1 for the Preparation, the Sunday before Christmas, also known as the Sunday of the Geneology (on which the Gospel reading is from the first chapter of Matthew)


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Rejoice, O Virgin Mother of God, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, for thou hast born the Savior of our souls.